Estudo recomendado:
– DELGADO, P.; CARVALHO, J.; CORREIA, F. Viver em acolhimento familiar ou residencial: O bem-estar subjetivo de adolescentes em Portugal. Psicoperspectivas, v. 18(2), p. 86-97, 2019.
Outros Estudos:
– DREGAN, A.; GULLIFORD, M. C. Foster care, residential care and public care placement patterns are associated with adult life trajectories: population-based cohort study. Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, v. 47(9), p. 1517-1526, 2012.
– MONTSERRAT, C.; CASAS, F.; BERTRÁN, I. Desigualdad de oportunidades educativas entre los adolescentes en acogimiento residencial y familiar. Infancia y aprendizaje, v. 36(4), p. 443-453, 2013.
– WADE, M.; ZEANAH, C. H.; FOX, N. A.; NELSON, C. A. Social communication deficits following early‐life deprivation and relation to psychopathology: a randomized clinical trial of foster care. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, V. 61(12), p. 1360-1369, 2020.